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Preference on IVA´s 100-list 2022

On the 11´th of October 2022, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) R2B Summit 2022. Where selected research projects from Swedish universities will be presented.  All of them considered to have great potential to be of actual benefit. We will be there talking about our research project “Intelligent Risk Handling

About the event (Swedish)
The selected research projects (Swedish)

Select:  Samhälle och välfärd / Intelligent Riskhantering

Summary  of the research

All companies and organisations are constantly exposed to risks, both financial and operational risks. For each market segment and situation there is a large number of risks to deal with. The companies and organisations that best and most consciously manage their risks therefore have great advantages as they reduce the probability of unwanted outcomes at a reasonable cost.

In short, those organisations that can manage their risks better than their competitors have a market advantage.

    About the 100 list

    The 100 list is produced by the IVA project Research2Business, R2B, which works for Sweden to be a leader in transforming academic research, in technical and economic sciences, into innovation and competitiveness in business. IVA’s 100 list was launched in connection with IVA’s 100th anniversary in 2019, hence the name. The project is run in collaboration with Vinnova, PRV, Teknikföretagen, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Knowledge Foundation, Almi and Swedish colleges and universities.



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