Smart Cities
Make smart choices when developing and implementing smart cities.Read also about our project insight & enlight

Smart city strategy development involves many stakeholders with different objectives.
There is a strong need to understand the smart city’s contribution in urban planning in general. There are many decisions to be made. Like the concrete decisions:
– what infrastructure to build?
– which technologies to use?
– which providers to allow access to the infrastructure?
We also have more value based decisions to be made, like:
– to what extent the services should be accessible?
– how distributed should they be?
– what kind of citizens and businesses to empower and how to deal with privacy and integrity?
There are also many actors involved, from the municipality and its citizens to technology companies and infrastructure contractors. For smart city strategy development, this creates a complex decision making environment and calls for a structured approach to decision making. Important here is to develope strategies and plans for smart cities, ensuring that the technologies and services deliver the values we desire in a cost effective way.
Using a common platform for decision structuring and decision evaluation, we provide aid in explaining and understanding the different objectives, illuminating the goal conflicts and the shared goals a stakeholder group has in their work towards a smart city by using decision analysis methodology.
Taking the theory of action as point-of-departure, with propositions of the form: “in situation S, if you want to achieve consequence C, do action A.” In the smart city context, the situation is a city, the consequence is to improve a set of criteria or reach certain objectives of different interest for different stakeholders, the actions are various information technology solutions aimed to empower various societal functions and enabling for monitoring and control.
By implementing such a theory in a software platform which allows for a wide spectrum of methods for appraising the different technologies, we enable for an inclusive and rational approach to identify the pathway to the smart city our clients desire.
Preference participated in the project TRAST for Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration . TRAST is a handbook for urban planning and local transportation.


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